If you’re a woman over 40 whose dreams of going back to college have been shattered due to the rough economy don’t worry, there may scholarships for women over 40 available to help you out. You don’t have to abandon your hopes for the future simply because of financial difficulties or the pressures that come from having a family. These scholarships for women over 40 take into account your special needs and will address them in a way that will help you to make the most of your opportunity to go to school.
It must be mentioned though that it can be hard to find scholarships for
women over 40 if you do not know how to look for them. In addition to that, many
women do not know about these scholarships and this will actually decrease the
competition you will face when applying for them. Make the most of this
opportunity and get started today. Putting it off will do you no favors and will
simply make things harder for you.
For example if you are a single mother the types of scholarships available to
you may be different than the ones available to women with no children. Also
your marriage status may play a part as well it all just depends on the
institution offering the college scholarship or grant.
One particular scholarship for women over 40 is the one offered by the
Selected Professional Fellowships. This organization can offer up to $20,000 if
you’re entering into grad school. If you’re going into a field such as science,
engineering or anything having to do with advanced technology this could be the
perfect scholarship for you. $20,000 is not something to take lightly so do your
On the other hand if you are interested in going into the field of arts you
should check out the scholarships for women over 40 offered by the National
Sculpture Society.
- This organization can give women up to $1000 per year for studies in the performance arts.
- While not as much as some other scholarships every little bit helps.
Another scholarship you may be interested in if you want to go into the arts
is the AIGA scholarships for women over 40. These particular scholarships can
award you up to $5000 if you plan on being an artist, designer or working in any
type of studio setting. In any case you should at least look into this one if
you’re interested in art.
There are many other scholarships for women over 40 out there so don’t hesitate to get started in your search for one that will meet your particular needs both as a student and as a woman.
The key to success is persistence and in the event that you’re turned down
for a scholarship don’t give up and keep applying to others. If you keep at it
long enough and keep trying your hardest, there’s nothing they can prevent you
from achieving all your hopes and dreams for the future.