Useful Tips How to find the MS and PhD Scholarships in South Korea

Today i will share with you the biggest database of scholarships in major and relevant fields of Biology, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Pharmacy, Neuroscience and Medical in South Korea

There is a Korean website on which there are many scholarships available for Korean students normally. But if you also email the professors in the light of advertisement given there, then may be they accept you also. So it is a chance. But you can give it a try

Now the steps you will do are
1. Open the website, translate the website with help of google websites translator or any other etc. (Use internet explorers is better)
2. See the advertisements and read their requirements  if you think, you fit in well according to skills required given the advertisement, then apply according to the below techniques

Tips to apply

i) Please , please read the research papers and publications of professor first before applying, so that you may know that if you can work in his lab
ii) make your resume according to his work,if you have done already, so that he may find you useful for him
iii) Always write the things in resume which you know, dun write the things which you dun know
iv) Always explain the research work done or internships or projects in resume by mentioning the technical work done by you .It should be like just . I did xyz project should explain technically what you did

3. Some useful things to see, it is better if you emphasize more on advertisements which give the websites of  lab offering the positions, so you are in better position to know about the professor work according to above techniques
4. I again say that this website is used for advertisements for Korean students, but you can use it also as if your profile is good and you apply according to above techniques and also professor likes your profile, then he selects you instead of Korean student and infact it helps you to find open positions rather than emailing each professor in university. This process works also as many students have got admissions according to it on scholarship.
5. The fieds are many which are broadly related to Biology, chemistry and medical. So if you belong to these fields, then do look at it
Once again the website is