International Scholarships / Positions Website

List of the Most Useful Websites to find International Scholarships / Positions (All-Levels)

Dear All

As-salāmu ʿalaykum

Rabbi zidni ilma (O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge) [surah Ta-Ha; 20:114]

Hope everyone of us is receiving most of Allah's blessings and thanking Him, in sha Allah.
This document is made solely to help the scholarship seekers from the very basic level, and share opportunities of scholarships available worldwide at all degree-levels (Undergrad., Masters, PhD, and Post-Doc).

We hope this document will help to find answers to very basic questions, such as the scholarship in .......field, at ...... level, and in ..... country. Moreover, this document is expected to help one find the scholarship in even one specific subject of a field (e. g., big data in computer science; catalysis in chemical engineering; computational finance in finance/banking; political history in history/arts, etc)

Before start, I have two special requests to the scholarship-seekers:

1) Please, do your best to find some opportunities by yourself first related to your requirements, criteria or facts, in the following links. After that, if you still need further help or guidance regarding some specific issue, you may ask for that.

2) You will finally get only one opportunity which Allah Subhanah wa T'ala has written for you, from the available thousands of opportunities (say, out of about 1000 for a specific field at a certain time), to lead you to some specific degree level (e.g. MS, PhD, etc.). So, do SHARE the remaining 999 opportunities (which will be of no value for you, but might mean a lot for others), such a big source of information (websites, links, databases, etc.)with the ones in need. Ultimately it will give u a lot satisfaction and reward, inshaAllah.

For the ones who know about some other scholarship links or websites or groups which you think are the most useful and easy to use, please do share those here to make it even a better document.
Finally, please do not leave a single opportunity (no matter how small or big it seems to be) to serve your religion and country. Always make both of them your first preference.
May Allah (Subhanah wa T'ala) bless us all (aameen).

The links or addresses start from here:

1) To search for a scholarship (undergrad., MS, PhD) or a position (researcher, post-doc., administration) with respect to a specific research topic in a field, and in your country of interest.
(These are the most useful encyclopedia as per my knowledge and experience. You may also subscribe to this website for a periodic e-mail information on your field of interest.)

2) To search for a scholarship country wise at all levels of study (Government or university funded)

3) European scholarships/fellowships and grants (Official Web of Europe)

4) Big Database about Jobs and Academic around the Globe

5) To find an opportunity at any level of study, in any subject, and in a given country

6) Another link to find an opportunity at any level of study, in any subject, and in a given country

7) For Post-Doctoral Positions (only)

8) You may also like some of the most informative pages on facebook, named, "Scholarship Network", and "Scholarization".

9) SAATFASE Yahoo Group (Very good source of Scholarships)

10) Pakgrid Yahoo Group

11) A search engine to search for Scholarships in Australia

12) Pk Students

13) DAAD Schoalrship facebook page (very useful)

14) PhD in France

15) A good website to search for PhD and Research Positions

16) For people related to animal stock or Veterinary sciences

17) Opportunities in Germany

18) One of good search engines to find grants for MS and PhD in France and also in other places

19)Jobs, PhD Positions in Austria in Biology field
Translate it with translator

20)Jobs, PhD positions Database in Germany

21)Another database to search positions in Europe

22) A good website for searching PhD positions in Netherlands specially

23) Chinese Universities Scholarships for MS and PhD
They announce new scholarships on this website. So keep checking this website always

24) People who want to study in Netherlands and want to search for grants for MS, PhD or BSthen do use this tool effectively

25) Groups Related to Research Papers, Books and Articles

26) How to apply for Max Plank PhD positions, very useful video

27) A search engine to search for Scholarships in Australia

28)MARIe Curie As you all know that Erasmus Mundus Joint doctorates have been finished. A few programs will keep on continuing giving grants for few more years. But now the doctorate grants will be offered by Marie curie. So save this page and keep on checking both tabs on page "Job Vacancies" and "Fellowship Programs"

29) People save this website for PhD and Lecturers Positions and check them

30)For people on Twitter,they can use and update at any time, the #scholarship in search to find scholarships posted

31) For jobs and PhD psoitions in UK

32)PhD positions

33) Find Scholarships and Study grants in Europe
Related Portals:

34) Foreign Funded Scholarships HEC

35)Did you know that you can search close to 150 scholarships on our website, specifically for International Students at New Zealand? Pop over and take a look at

36)Another scholarship website for interested people.

38) PhD Positions

39) PhD, Lectureres, Scientists Jobs, Europe

40) PhD funding

41) Careers and research positions in UK

42) MS, PhD search

43)Postgraduate positions search

44) Scholarships database

45) Postgraduate studentships in UK

46) A Database of Taught & Research Masters Courses (Must Try)- MSc MA MBA MPhil MEd MRes LLM - etc

47)A good website to search for different scholarships

48)A useful websites containing a list of working abroad opportunities

49) Study Guide for Japan for Bachelors, Masters, PhD

50)Another good website to search for PhD, post doc positions in Europe

51)Biotechnology related jobs (researcher, PhD, Post-doc) at Czech republic, Europe

52) Academic jobs everywhere

53) Search scholarships in/from Austria

55) Webinars

58) conferences, visits, internships short trainings, courses, scholarships abroad, fully funded