Sample Email for Getting Acceptance Letter

For getting higher research degrees' scholarship, the first step is to manage a supervisor with whom the student would like to work and the first step in managing the supervisor is to email the prospective supervisor expressing an interest in researching with him/her. Once supervisor agrees to supervise the student, only then the application will be processed further. Attached simple email (professors ain't got time for stories + main thing is your CV) and Letter of Recommendation had helped me a lot with getting acceptance from professors around the world when I was searching for scholarships. I hope these will work for you people too In Sha Allah.

Sample email

Dear Dr/Prof. _______________[writing the first/forename of the academic sounds less formal while writing full name is more formal. People in the West usually use full name the first time and then depending how they respond you could use just the first name in further communication]

I hope you are well. I have graduated in [add your specialisation] from the _______[add university name] (Pakistan) and I am seeking admission to the PhD studies in _______________[add the specialisation that you seek & the title of your research project]. My focus is on [add a sentence about objective/overall goal of your research].  I found your research on _____________ and __________ [add brief title of prof. article with year in ( )] very interesting/relevant/significant/revealing/insightful [add that word which seems relevant in a prof’s case] with respect to my research interests. I believe there are a number of commonalities between my research interests and your specialisation. I wonder if you would be willing to take me in as your PhD student.

I am attaching my research proposal and resume/CV for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Best wishes,

Your name