Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) is joining hands with Sukkur IBA to launch OGDCL National Talent Hunt Program with the purpose of discovering the talent of such deprived students and ensuring their access and survival in the quality institutions countrywide. The programs strives for uplifting the academic level of students from rural areas by removing their deficiency in core subjects including Mathematics, English, ICT and make them compatible with their urban counterpart.
Under this program, 300 students from four provinces of Pakistan including,
Baluchistan (75 Scholarships)
KPK (75 Scholarships)
Punjab (75 Scholarships)
Sindh (75 Scholarships)
would be admitted in an initial foundation semester of six months which covers basic courses like English, Mathematics and ICT. During first six months of program, the students would be rigorously taught and assessed in these three courses in an state-of-the-art learning environment through highly qualified and experienced Sukkur IBA faculty.
Top 100 students, based on continuous assessment of six months, would be given an option to join one of following Sukkur IBA regular bachelor
degree programs,
BS- Accounting and Finance
BS- Computer Science
BS- Software Engineering
B.Ed (Hons)
BE- Electrical Engineering with specialization
Computer System
Initial six months as well as subsequent four years of Bachelor degree program would be fully sponsored by OGDCL National Talent Hunt Program.
Admission Form: http://nthp.iba-suk.edu.pk/THP/Admission_form_NTHP_17.pdf